PPCF Special Issue

The manuscript submission deadline is 12 July 2019, and due to a very tight publication schedule, papers submitted after this deadline may not be included in the main special issue collection.

The suggested page limits are 12 journal pages for a plenary talk and 8 pages for an invited talk (PPCF pages are approximately 900 words per page, with tables and figures using the equivalent of 300 words each). However, papers that exceed these limits will still be considered so long as the length is justified by the scientific content.

The quality and formatting requirements for special issue articles are the same as for regular submissions to PPCF. For details of preparation and submission guidelines, please visit https://publishingsupport.iopscience.iop.org/authoring-for-journals/. It will help with publication times if you could please obtain written permissions for reusing any previously published material before submitting to the journal.

IOP Publishing will manage the peer-review of the special issue in-house. All contributions should be submitted via our online submissions system: https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/ppcf-iop. Please select article type “Special Issue Article” and special issue title “Special issue featuring the invited talks from the 46th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Milan, 8–12 July 2019”. 

EPS Special Issue can be found online here.