Oral & Poster Format

Oral presentations

Each meeting room is equipped with a Windows PC. Supported presentation formats are Microsoft PowerPoint and PDF.

We recommend using the 4:3 aspect ratio for your slides. The 16:9 aspect ratio is supported for plenary talks only.

Plenary talks

Plenary talks will be 35min (30 + 5min discussion).

Invited oral presentations

Invited oral presentations will be held for the four topics of the conference separately, slots of 30min (25+5min) have been allocated.

Contributed orals

Contributed orals will be 15min (12+3min).

Poster presentations

About Poster

Poster table size: 200 cm high and 100 cm wide.

  • You will find your paper number attached to the poster wall.
  • Before putting up your poster, please make sure that you are in the correct session.
  • Please note that it is not possible to print out your poster at the Conference venue.